Thursday, 5 March 2015

A Special Letter to You

You may be wondering why I write this to you. To satisfy your curiosity, I have written my new nickname at the end. Well, that may not be a surprise to you as you might have heard this name before. However, that doesn’t make any difference in my sincere attempt to tell you a special thing through this letter. If you are reading these lines alone, there is no problem. Otherwise, I request you to ensure that no one is there around you peeping to this letter. Thank you, you listened me. This is about a person who entered my life recently. Her entry to my life has changed me to an extent that I can say I regret not knowing her earlier in my graph of life.  I call her ‘X’ and I like to call her like that, because she has become special to me. But, for you, I have written her real name in the last sentence of this letter. Yes, you got her name. I don’t ask you whether you like her name or not. A third person can never understand the degree of feeling, love, or depth of relationship between two persons. Do you agree with me? I see you smile. Possibly you also have some special person/s in your life. The best way to guess my feeling on my special one is to remember your special one for a second. The time you spend with that person is so sweet. There may be many occasions where you had to leave that person temporarily for various reasons. Sometimes you had to save yourself from unwanted questions from others. A kind of unexplained fear might have persuaded you to leave the person. Sometimes you doubted yourself and spent your time in confusion. One possible reason for this confusion may be that you could not communicate well what is there in your heart to that person and sometimes to yourself too. Finally you tried to relax yourself making a conclusion that in life we meet many people and it is not possible to be with them throughout your life. Even you may be able to forget that person forever with what people call as sensible thinking. I am sorry if I reminded you some faces in your life by my lines. Thanks, life is nothing but a bundle of feelings we stored during the years you lived and the same feelings serve as a balancing tool for the rest of your life. I started this piece of writing promising to share something about me and that special person. Am I bound to share my personal feelings with you? Some people swear that they won’t share the personal secrets I share with them to a third person. I do not believe in the guarantee given by people when they themselves are prone to the uncertainty of life and its ups and downs. So NO personal sharing!
You may wonder again what the hell I was doing with you so far. But I am sure I made your curious eyes scan the page from top to bottom irregularly many times.  You found my nickname and my special one’s name and got back to the text to know the rest in between me and her. Sorry, I was just infiltrating your brain and modulating a symphony of waves there using your beautiful eyes. Smile! At least I praised your eyes. If you are not angry and decided to give me a virtual slap on my face, please read the following.
Men and women are slaves to curiosity - an irresistible urge to know what is happening to your fellow being. But I dream you and me were slaves of compassion! Her name is Daya. 
With love
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